
Frequently asked questions

Explore the below frequently asked questions for a better understanding of our services and processes. Feel free to get in touch if you don't find the answer you're looking for.
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iAdeptive offers a wide range of services, including AI and ML solutions, cloud computing, data management, digital transformation, and more.

iAdeptive is located at 8850 Stanford Blvd, Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045.

iAdeptive serves various industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and more. Our solutions are adaptable to diverse sectors.

By choosing iAdeptive, you gain access to a team of experts dedicated to delivering innovative solutions, a commitment to quality, and a track record of successful implementations.

Our engagement process typically involves initial consultation, needs assessment, solution design, implementation, and ongoing support, tailored to your specific requirements.

You can easily reach us in two convenient ways:

Online: Visit our website at to explore our services and use the contact form to send us a message.

Direct Contact: Feel free to email our dedicated customer support team at or give us a call at +1 888-918-0709. 


We specialize in developing customized AI and ML solutions that cater to your specific business needs, helping you optimize processes, enhance decision-making, and drive growth.

Yes, we offer comprehensive digital transformation consulting to help businesses modernize their operations, enhance efficiency, and stay competitive.

Absolutely, we specialize in cloud operations and migration services, ensuring a smooth transition to cloud-based systems and ongoing efficient management.

Yes, we provide training and comprehensive support to ensure your team can effectively utilize and maintain the solutions we implement.

Yes, iAdeptive is a leading government contractor in the USA, experienced in delivering solutions that meet government requirements and standards.


To apply for a job at iAdeptive, please visit our Careers page on our website. There, you will find a list of current job openings along with application instructions.

We seek candidates with relevant qualifications and skills depending on the specific job role. Generally, we look for a combination of education, experience, and expertise aligned with the job description.

Yes, we often have internship programs and entry-level positions for recent graduates. These opportunities can be found on our Careers page, along with details on how to apply.

iAdeptive fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and personal development. We encourage creative thinking and celebrate diversity in our workforce. Our culture is centered around excellence and a passion for cutting-edge technologies.

Absolutely. We are committed to the professional growth of our employees. We offer training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for advancement within the company. Your career path at iAdeptive can be tailored to align with your goals and ambitions.

Have more questions ?

Feel free to get in touch with us anytime; we’re here to help.